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Chapter II: Environmental Activism

In this stage, you'll grab a copy of' source code and set yourself up a development environment.


Before proceeding, make sure you have the folowing:

  1. If you're on macOS or Linux, there's a good chance Git is already installed. Take a moment to check:

    git --version

Installing Python currently requires Python 3.11.1 or later. If you already have that, feel free to skip this section. Otherwise, read on.

Do not use your system Python

If a version of Python came installed with your operating system, it's almost certainly too low for

Install asdf(1), then:

asdf plugin add python
asdf install python 3.11.1
asdf global python 3.11.1

Verify the installation worked:

python --version
  1. Why not Python's official installer?

    Using asdf guarantees that the python command will point to the appropriate version of Python.

    If you have a good reason or simply a strong preference to install Python through other means, feel free. This guide won't be supporting you along the way, though.

Do not use the Microsoft Store Python

The Microsoft Store distribution of Python is unsuitable for

Install Python from, then verify the installation worked:

py --version

Forking the Repository

Forking' repository (hereafter referred to as the "canonical repository") creates a full copy of it in your own GitHub account that you can then do whatever you want with. (1)

  1. Pursuant to the terms of the AGPL, of course.

Head over to celsiusnarhwal/ and click the "Fork" button in the top-right area of the page. Then follow the prompts and you're done. Pretty easy, right?

The rest of this guide assumes your fork is named ""

If you named your fork something else, it's up to you to figure out which instructions you need to change.

Your fork must remain public

Not that you can change the visibility of a forked GitHub repository to begin with, but' license requires that if you self-host it, you have to make your copy of the source code, complete with any modifications, available to anyone who wants it. For all practical purposes, this means your fork must remain public.

Cloning the Repository

It's time to clone your forked repository — that is, create a copy of it on your local machine.

git clone{YOUR_USERNAME}/ # (1)!
  1. Replace {YOUR_USERNAME} with your GitHub username.
gh repo clone

From the main menu, go to Get from VCS > GitHub and select your fork. Then, select Clone.

Enter gitcl into the command pallette, then selct Git: Clone and then Clone from GitHub. When prompted for the repository URL, enter {YOUR_USERNAME}/ (1)

  1. Replace {YOUR_USERNAME} with your GitHub username.

Installing Dependencies


All terminal commands throughout the rest of this guide must be run in the directory where you cloned to.

Before you can run, you'll need to install the third-party libraries it depends on.

First, install Poetry.(1)

  1. Other Python package managers, including pip, are strictly unsupported.
curl -sSL | python -
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | py - # (1)!
  1. Make sure you're using PowerShell and not the legacy Command Prompt.

Verify the installation worked:

poetry --version

Then install' dependencies:

poetry install # (1)!
  1. This will not install the dependencies required to build' website (yes, the one you're looking at now). The website is made with the Insiders edition of Material for MkDocs, which is not free and requires additional configuration to install.

    TL;DR: Installing the website's dependencies will cause Poetry to fail, so leave them out.

Linking Your Doppler Project

Remember the Doppler project you created back in Part I? It's time to link it to your codebase.

doppler setup

Follow the prompts to link your Doppler project to your codebase. When asked to select a config, select dev.


It's finally time for the moment you've been waiting for: actually running the damn thing.

In the Project tool window, right click on bot/ and select Run 'main'.

Open bot/ and press F5.

poetry run python bot/
poetry run py bot/

If everything worked, you should see something like this in your console:

TypeError: join() argument must be str, bytes, or os.PathLike object, not 'NoneType'

Wait. That's not quite right.

Let's fix this, shall we?