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Privacy Policy

When you use or share a Discord server ("server") with, may collect, process, and store various information about your Discord account ("you", "your", "your account") and, if applicable, the server in which you are interacting with it. may collect, process, and store the following information about your Discord account:

  • Your user ID
  • Your username (including your discriminator)
  • Your avatar
  • Whether or not you are a bot may collect, process, and store the following information about servers it is in:

  • The server ID
  • The server name
  • The names and unique identifiers of the server's channels may collect process, and store the following information about you with respect to the servers you share with it:

  • Your server nickname, if you have one
  • Your server avatar, if you have one
  • The permissions you have in the server or in a given channel in the server
  • Which of the server's channels you can see, send messages in, and/or are a member of may also collect, process, and store information you explicitly provide to it, such as via usage of its commands or interaction with its graphical user interfaces.

In the course of enabling to provide its functionality, this information may be sent to Discord and/or stored in databases managed by' developer.

By using or sharing a Discord server with, you agree to the collection, processing, storage, and use of this information as described. If you do not agree, you should refrain from using and leave any servers you share with it.


If you have questions or concerns about this privacy policy, send an email to